Recipients (SendAudio.exe options)

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On this page you can specify one or more audio message recipients.

Phone number

The phone number of the person you want to send the audio message to. To send an audio message to multiple recipients, type each recipient's phone number in the Phone number field, and then click Add to add the phone number to the list of recipients.

<Address book>

Click to select one or more recipients from Address Book (Windows Contacts). To be added to the list of recipients, the selected recipient should have non-empty Business phone field or non-empty Home phone field.

<Add From File>

Click to load a list of phone numbers from selected text file. When preparing a text file, you must be guided by the following rules:


Use this button to add the phone number to the list of recipients. The recipient's phone number should be initially entered in the Phone number field.


Use this button to remove the phone number from the list of recipients.


Click this button to change the recipient's phone number. One of the recipients should be selected in the list.

Store the list of recipients in the file

Select this check box, to store the list of audio message recipients in the text file (/RecipientList= command line option). The full path to the text file in which the list of recipients is stored should be specified in the text box below. If this check box is not selected, the single recipient is specified by using /PhoneNumber= option.


Click this button to specify the path to the text file in which the list of recipients is stored. The default path is *{CommonAppDataFolder}\FaxVoip Console\SendAudio\Recipients.txt.
