SendFax.exe Logs

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SendFax.exe debug log

In this area you can view or delete debug log, generated by the SendFax.exe command line utility. The debug log contains detailed information about SendFax.exe operations. To enable debug log, run SendFax.exe with /DebugLog command line option.


Use this button to view debug log file.


Use this button to delete debug log file.

Clear debug log every time you start SendFax.exe

Check this option to automatically remove debug log file when SendFax.exe starts.

SendFax.exe simple log

In this area you can view or delete simple log, generated by the SendFax.exe command line utility. The simple log contains brief information about SendFax.exe operations. To enable simple log, run SendFax.exe with /Log command line option.


Use this button to view log file.


Use this button to delete log file.

<To Log Folder>

Use this button to open Fax Voip FSP log folder in Windows Explorer.