Codecs Settings (Incoming VOIP Call Routing)

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Codecs Settings

Use default

To override the default Voice Codecs configuration, uncheck this option. If this option is checked, the default Voice Codecs specified in the “VOIP=>SIP=>Codecs=>Selected Codecs” panel or in the “VOIP=>H.323=>Codecs=>Selected Codecs” panel are used.

Voice Codecs

This panel shows Voice Codecs configuration applied to the current rule. Voice Codecs applied to the current rule are checked and arranged in the preference order. Note, that preference order is only used, if Apply codec preference order option is checked.

Apply codec preference order

The Apply codec preference order option can be used only with incoming SIP calls. This option indicates if codec preference order applies to incoming calls. There is no possibility to override this option in the Incoming Call Routing rule. Another words, the default option specified in the “SIP=>Codecs=>Selected Codecs=>Apply codec preference order to incoming calls” is always used.

Use default

This option is always checked and indicates that default Apply codec preference order value is always used.

To add Voice Codec, check it. To remove Voice Codec from configuration, uncheck it.

<Up> and <Down>

Use these buttons to change preference order for the selected audio codecs.
