Send a Fax using SendFax.exe tool

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SendFax.exe is a command line utility that allows you to automatically create and track a fax job.

For more information about SendFax.exe and command line options, see SendFax.exe command line options.

To configure command line and then run SendFax.exe from the Fax Voip FSP Control Panel, see To Configure and Run SendFax.exe using Fax Voip FSP Control Panel.

For more information about Configure SendFax.exe options dialog box, see SendFax.exe options.

To track the fax job when starting the SendFax.exe in GUI mode, see Track fax job (GUI mode).

To track the fax job when starting the SendFax.exe in console mode, see Track fax job (console mode).

To view SendFax.exe logs, see SendFax.exe Logs.